Page 20 - EOE NEWSLETTER-10-updated
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How long have you been drawing and how did you embark on anatomical drawing?
I have been drawing for several years, but I started with anatomical drawings only after starting my urological career. Sometimes, waiting for the next patient in the operative theater, I started making some sketches in my pocket diary. Indeed, a significant percentage of my first drawings were sketched in the (small) pages of my spiral notebook.
How long does it take you to draw anatomical imaging?
Fabrizio dal Moro
Professor and Head of Urology, University Hospital - Padova
          It depends on the kind of drawings. I often perform simple sketches of specific anatomical details, spending little time. When the drawing's subject is more complex, or I need to describe several anatomical structures or organs, I can devote up to a couple of hours. But this time is the best spent for me!
Does drawing assist you in planning an operation or helping you to relax afterwards?
Both. Sometimes I sketch a surgery performed by one of my colleagues, just for the fun of it. It definitely helps to decrease stress levels, not only the preoperative stress.
What benefits are there in performing an anatomical drawing in relation to the quality of your surgery?
Reproducing the surgical field and planning the most remarkable operative steps represent, in my opinion, the best strategy to prepare for an operation. It is a sort of simulation! I use to say if you can describe it, you understood it; if you
can draw it, you can do it. The quality of your drawing doesn't matter: a simple sketch is sufficient. It's like, if you can sketch a surgical step, you dominate it.

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