Chemohormonal Therapy in Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer: Long-Term Survival Analysis of the Randomized Phase III E3805 CHAARTED Trial.
J Clin Oncol, 36 (11), 1080-1087 2018 Apr 10
Conclusion: The clinical benefit from chemohormonal therapy in prolonging OS was confirmed for patients with high-volume disease; however, for patients with low-volume disease, no OS benefit was discerned.
High-dose Radiotherapy With Short-Term or Long-Term Androgen Deprivation in Localised Prostate Cancer (DART01/05 GICOR): A Randomised, Controlled, Phase 3 Trial
Lancet Oncol, 16 (3), 320-7 Mar 2015
Conclusion: Compared with short-term androgen deprivation, 2 years of adjuvant androgen deprivation combined with high-dose radiotherapy improved biochemical control and overall survival in patients with prostate cancer, particularly those with high-risk disease, with no increase in late radiation toxicity. Longer follow-up is needed to determine whether men with intermediate-risk disease benefit from more than 4 months of androgen deprivation.
Postoperative Radiotherapy After Radical Prostatectomy for High-Risk Prostate Cancer: Long-Term Results of a Randomised Controlled Trial
Lancet, 380 (9858), 2018-27 2012 Dec 8
Conclusion: Results at median follow-up of 10·6 years show that conventional postoperative irradiation significantly improves biochemical progression-free survival and local control compared with a wait-and-see policy, supporting results at 5 year follow-up; however, improvements in clinical progression-free survival were not maintained. Exploratory analyses suggest that postoperative irradiation might improve clinical progression-free survival in patients younger than 70 years and in those with positive surgical margins, but could have a detrimental effect in patients aged 70 years or older.
Effect on Survival of Androgen Deprivation Therapy Alone Compared to Androgen Deprivation Therapy Combined With Concurrent Radiation Therapy to the Prostate in Patients With Primary Bone Metastatic Prostate Cancer in a Prospective Randomised Clinical
Eur Urol, 75 (3), 410-418 Mar 2019
Conclusions: The current RCT comparing ADT to ADT with EBRT to the prostate in patients with primary bone mPCa did not show a significant difference in overall survival, although the CI cannot exclude a substantial survival benefit. Further research is needed to confirm our findings.
Androgen-deprivation Therapy Alone or With Docetaxel in Non-Castrate Metastatic Prostate Cancer (GETUG-AFU 15): A Randomised, Open-Label, Phase 3 Trial
Lancet Oncol, 14 (2), 149-58 Feb 2013
Conclusions: Docetaxel should not be used as part of first-line treatment for patients with non-castrate metastatic prostate cancer.
Abiraterone Plus Prednisone in Metastatic, Castration-Sensitive Prostate Cancer.
N Engl J Med, 377 (4), 352-360 2017 Jul 27
Conclusions: The addition of abiraterone acetate and prednisone to androgen-deprivation therapy significantly increased overall survival and radiographic progression-free survival in men with newly diagnosed, metastatic, castration-sensitive prostate cancer.
Radical Prostatectomy Versus Observation for Localized Prostate Cancer.
N Engl J Med, 367 (3), 203-13 2012 Jul 19.
Conclusion: Among men with localized prostate cancer detected during the early era of PSA testing, radical prostatectomy did not significantly reduce all-cause or prostate-cancer mortality, as compared with observation, through at least 12 years of follow-up. Absolute differences were less than 3 percentage points.
Precision Matters in MR Imaging-targeted Prostate Biopsies: Evidence From a Prospective Study of Cognitive and Elastic Fusion Registration Transrectal Biopsies.
Radiology , 287 (2), 534-542 May 2018
Conclusion: A deformable MR imaging/transrectal US image registration system achieved a higher precision and depicted cancer in more patients than did the cognitive freehand technique.
10-Year Outcomes After Monitoring, Surgery, or Radiotherapy for Localized Prostate Cancer.
N Engl J Med, 375 (15), 1415-1424 2016 Oct 1.
Conclusion: At a median of 10 years, prostate-cancer-specific mortality was low irrespective of the treatment assigned, with no significant difference among treatments. Surgery and radiotherapy were associated with lower incidences of disease progression and metastases than was active monitoring.
Natural History of Persistently Elevated Prostate Specific Antigen After Radical Prostatectomy: Results From the SEARCH Database
J Urol, 182 (5), 2250-5 Nov 2009
Conclusions: Prostate specific antigen persistence is associated with increased biochemical recurrence and overall mortality. In men with persistence the prostate specific antigen nadir is an independent predictor of recurrence and mortality.
Thus, prostate specific antigen persistence and nadir are important tools for early postoperative risk stratification.
Vitamin E and the Risk of Prostate Cancer: The Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial .
JAMA, 306 (14), 1549-56 2011 Oct 12.
Conclusion: Dietary supplementation with vitamin E significantly increased the risk of prostate cancer among healthy men.
Abiraterone for Prostate Cancer Not Previously Treated With Hormone Therapy.
N Engl J Med , 377 (4), 338-351 2017 Jul 27
Conclusion: Among men with locally advanced or metastatic prostate cancer, ADT plus abiraterone and prednisolone was associated with significantly higher rates of overall and failure-free survival than ADT alone.
Absolute Prostate-Specific Antigen Value After Androgen Deprivation Is a Strong Independent Predictor of Survival in New Metastatic Prostate Cancer: Data From Southwest Oncology Group Trial 9346 (INT-0162)
J Clin Oncol, 24 (24), 3984-90 2006 Aug 20.
Conclusion: A PSA of 4 ng/mL or less after 7 months of AD is a strong predictor of survival. This data should be used to tailor future trial design for D2 prostate cancer.
Apalutamide for Metastatic, Castration-Sensitive Prostate Cancer
N Engl J Med, 381(1),13-24, Jul 4, 2019
Conclusions: In this trial involving patients with metastatic, castration-sensitive prostate cancer, overall survival and radiographic progression-free survival were significantly longer with the addition of apalutamide to ADT than with placebo plus ADT.