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 E.O.E Newsletter |
  for our patients. This is probably the main role of any Patient Office, to provide information about diseases in a plain language, in a way that it’s easy to be understandable by the patients. But also, there are other tasks for the Patient Office. Like for example, it serves as the advocate for the patients, it educates and trains the patients just to allow them to be crucial in the collaboration with the Guidelines and it provides share decision making. It is a big responsibility. Also, I think that the Patient Office should organise awareness campaigns to change the mind of the population and raise awareness for diseases, for example for prostate cancer, incontinence, infections etc. Then we can work together with the patients to promote, for instance, prostate cancer screening. I am an oncology person and I am always thinking cancer topics. But this could be brought in all levels, like promoting to the European Parliament an awareness campaign about continence issues. I think that having a Patient Office is the way to provide information, to create awareness, to empower patients, to allow them to have proper platforms to achieve several things. It is again a crucial thing to be done for a scientific society.
T.S.: You are an inspiration for many women urology residents. What would you advise them?
M.R.: I want to emphasize that it's a true responsibility, and I feel grateful to be seen as an inspiration by younger residents. My advice to young female urologists would be simple but powerful: believe in yourself. This advice applies to everyone, regardless of gender, as self-belief is key to achieving your dreams and aspirations. Also, I think that looking for mentors and role models is important. This is a responsibility for us. We should be able in the EAU to create role models. Because if female residents don’t see female
urologists on the stage, on leading departments, in leading journals, if you don’t see people like you doing those things, you may believe that perhaps this is not a place for you to be. At the moment you see someone doing something, you believe that you can also do it. Taking on challenges is essential for personal growth. Stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing challenges is how you truly develop. Building a supportive network and collaborating with fellow female urologists is also vital. They should create a proper network and if you are a female urologist, you should help your female colleagues. Collaboration is also essential. Additionally, I offer the same advice to all urologists, regardless of gender. Stay updated, never stop learning, and avoid complacency. Continual growth is key.
In summary, my advice to aspiring female urologists is to believe in themselves, seek mentors and role models, embrace challenges, build a supportive network, and prioritize lifelong learning.
T.S.: And the last question. Have you ever visited Greece?
M.R.: Yes! I have been in Athens. But honestly something that is a dream for me is to go to the Greek islands. I have not been there, but I will go! since I am in love with the sea. I love sailing and I love scuba diving. For me the sea is everything. Also, I love your cuisine. I have to admit that at all the Mediterranean countries wehavethosemarvellouscuisines.Soyes, I have visited Greece, but I want to see more things.
T.S.: Is there something in Greek culture that you find interesting?
M.R.: What I find truly admirable is that Greek culture laid the foundation for everything we have today. It's at the core of our cultural heritage. The Greeks were the pioneers of philosophy, knowledge, and all forms of art. I genuinely hope that at the European level, we can recapture that brilliance and success. You see, nowadays, we're living in a society that often neglects the importance of knowledge and the values that the ancient Greeks embraced. It's a fast-paced world where appearances matter the most. We often skim through headlines without delving deep into the details. That's why I hold such deep admiration for Greek culture, as it forms the bedrock of our own culture. I'm eagerly waiting for a new renaissance to come forth.

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