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platform) or a federated model (where data stays behind a data owner’s firewall and algorithms are sent to the data and aggregated results are received centrally) with both models respecting the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that governs the ways we can process, use and store personal data. The EAU will ensure lessons learnt are shared with National Societies including offering a central data capture infrastructure to allow national societies and hospitals to prospectively collect data using standardised protocols. We must put in place solid foundations for future generations that ensures the outcomes of every patient with a urological condition has their outcomes captured with informed consent and respecting all ethical and legal regulations.
We know that in addition to urology, charity also has a very special place in your life. Could you please tell us about the Horizons Foundation and the UCAN centre in Aberdeen?
Yes, I am passionate about charity work. Although we are surgeons, we must never forget that first and foremost, we are doctors, medicine is a vocation, and our primary responsibility is to help the most vulnerable in society wherever they may be. I have never forgotten where I came from; I was born in The Gambia (the smiling coast of West Africa) and I understand what poverty and absence of quality healthcare feels like. I have witnessed avoidable incredible suffering and death that every day I wish no one else has to experience. So, even though I am incredibly blessed and I do not want for anything, I have never forgotten where I came from, and importantly ofcourse, to whom much is given much is expected. So, in the past 21 years, I have committed all of the spare time I have to two charitable causes close to my heart, Horizons Trust charitable activities in The Gambia and the UCAN charity in Scotland
Tεύχος 16 | Μάρτιος - Απρίλιος 2022