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E.O.E Newsletter |
  Horizons Trust now supports six childbirth facilities in The Gambia and has trained hundreds of mothers and midwives on maintaining clean, safe and infection-free childbirth environments. The Horizons Charitable Trust has installed solar- power facilities, renovated rundown infrastructure, guaranteed clean safe water supplies and safe disposal of clinical waste. The Horizons Charitable Trust has implemented desperately needed infection prevention and control programme across the 6 childbirth facilities in The Gambia covering more than 40% of the population, installing 24 hour solar power, maintenance of plumbing, fixtures & fittings, supplying new washing machines, 150 wash hand basins, 16 new toilets and 26 new showers. Also, over 17,000 pieces of cleaning supplies and 3 tonnes of detergent have been supplied to date. The Horizons Trust has trained
515 midwives, auxiliary nurses and facility cleaners in infection prevention and control (IPC) including 144 trainers who are now qualified IPC trainers to support national scale up and impact. Critically, more than 54,000 babies have since been born in cleaner and safer environments as a consequence of the Horizons Trust led IPC programme.
I am co-founder and Managing Director of UCAN (a Scottish Urological Cancer charity) for the past 15 years. UCAN has led 3 major fundraising campaigns, so far raising over €7 million in philanthropic contributions (cash and in-kind) galvanising the support of the local oil industry, the construction industry, high net-worth individuals, Big Lottery, NHSG Endowments, the Rotary, the Press & Journal and ordinary citizens. The first UCAN fundraising campaign funded the opening of the first Urological Cancer Care Centre in Scotland, co-located within

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