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  and that this problem is incurable. For this reason, I think it's very important that the EAU is conducting at a European level the "An Urge to Act" campaign, so as to raise awareness for incontinence. So, we will have to discuss with the European Parliament regarding incontinence issues, in the future. But this activity should also be done in the different nations of Europe, including Greece. As you said correctly, it is a problem of economics. The costs of incontinence are 70 billion euros per year, in Europe. This is between 35 and 70% of the costs of oncology and it is very much . Another important point is that it's also an environmental issue, because the disposal of the pads increases the pollution of our environment. If we could reduce the use of the pads, this would also reduce the impact on the environment. So, we have to push on these points. In the last years incontinence was considered like a minor problem, but it's a very important problem. We need to intensify our efforts in order to raise awareness about incontinence.
T.S.: How can Patient Offices help in raising awareness regarding functional urological issues?
Prof. Finazzi: The help of Patient Offices is very important. Of course, the patients are those who suffer from their problems and they are very willing to solve these problems. I think that either at European level, at international level or at local level, the Associations of the patients are crucial. I had the opportunity to collaborate with several Patient Associations. I have a very good relationship with them. I have met people who are very enthusiastic and very willing to try to do something good for people who have the same problem with them, but also for people with different problems. We can't do much without them and without their help. This is why also the ESFU and the EAU are working with Patient Associations. In Italy, for instance, we are working a lot with the National Association of Incontinent Patients. I'm very happy that in Greece you are doing the same. I think that you are in the right direction.
T.S.: We know that you are visiting Greece very often. What do you like more in our country?
Prof. Finazzi: Well, let me say first, that my family comes from Sicily. The presence of the ancient Greeks there was very important. My family comes from Agrigento, "Ακράγας" in Greek. I like very much the Greek culture. It's similar to the Italian culture, I must say. I love the people. I also love the places. The sea and the islands are wonderful. The food is delicious. I love Greece in general! They say "one face-one race" for Italy and Greece. I don't know who first said this sentence, but it's very true. Italian and Greek people are very similar. We have a strong bond.
Tεύχος 29 | Mάϊος - Ιούνιος 2024

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